Our philosophy

We believe that human emotions are central to communication and connection. We understand that it is not until we communicate at the level of emotions that we feel close connection, which is important to our well-being and optimises life outcomes.
We see children’s challenging behaviours as a sign that they are struggling with understanding and regulating their emotions and that they may need our help.
Our programs help adults connect with children around emotions in ways that help children learn about their emotions. The programs aim to build more empathic, connected relationships as a way of preventing problems in children and families, and to reduce difficulties if they are occurring.
We believe change can occur without use of punishments, ignoring or exclusion when children behave in ways that adults do not want them to behave. Children are more likely to grow into caring, empathic humans when adults connect and empathise with them when they have difficult emotions whilst also guiding them to be respectful, kind, responsible individuals who can face up to challenges and problems. Children are more likely to be able to develop resilience and emotional intelligence when adults raising them validate their feelings.
We believe that when empathic, connected relationships occur between adults and children, this provides an important foundation that underpins more peaceful, nurturing relationships that can have a wider impact on society.
We recognise that every family is unique and that parents and carers know their children best. We build on the strengths that parents already have and encourage them to use the ideas from our Tuning in to Kids® programs that work for their family.