The truth about ‘time out’
What does the science say about how to respond? And is there really a way to guide children towards kind, thoughtful, cooperative behaviour that doesn't involve punishment at all, as some experts argue?

Research shows it’s harmful to smack your child, so what should parents do instead?
Today, if a parent smacks a child mid-tantrum in the supermarket, they are likely to get looks of disapproval from other shoppers. Smacking is not as socially acceptable as it used to be.

Emotion coaching for the earthquake generation
Sophie Havighurst is a child clinical psychologist and an Associate Professor at the University of Oslo in Norway and the University of Melbourne, Australia. Along with co-author Ann Harley, she developed the Tuning in to Kids (TIK) parenting programme, which is now in use around the world.

In the Frontiers of Emotionally Intelligent Parenting
This article and interview with Sophie and Ann was originally published in Scientia Magazine.

When School Isn’t “FINE”: Emotion Coaching Helps A Son Open Up To His Mum
Like many mums, Maggie used to ask her son Davis (7) how his day was and receive the one-word answer “fine“. Then one day she discovered he was being bullied.